Friday, June 02, 2006

Start The Clock

Well met in the Duke of Argyle, where we started laying out the groundwork for schedules and timeframes. In English, when we actually get around to writing, crewing and shooting ROLESLAY.

There's some serious work to be put in. We're looking to shoot in October, Which means a first draft by mid July, which means a locked outline by mid-June which is ... holy crap, two weeks away.

Looks like a quiet weekend's writing for this particular Sick Puppy, then, before a meet with Clive on Monday where we start thrashing things out properly, and the gaping holes in my story are exposed and ridiculed. This and a head cold. And a hangover, which I blame on no-one but myself. Whoever said organic beer doesn't give you a head full of yech is wrongo wrongo billy bongo.

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