Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Last Chance to Vote for our music video: "THE 80S: A Sick Puppy Film"

The online voting part of the Shooting People/Robbie Williams competition closes on Monday December 11th - So if you haven't already watched or voted for our latest film - this is your last chance!

Starring Ashvin-Kumar Joshi and Laura Metcalfe, with Camerawork from Simon Aitken & Graham (no relation to Robbie) Williams, Make up from Ania Gastol, Colour grading by Rob Wickings, Produced by myself and Stephen Cartwright, and Edited and Directed by yours truly.

Entitled - "THE 80S: A Sick Puppy Film" - the completed 5 min 33 second music video can now be viewed online, and IF YOU ARE A http://www.shootingpeople.org/ member YOU CAN VOTE FOR IT.

To view the film:
1) Go to this website address - www.robbiewilliams.com/rudeboxshorts
2) Then from the sidebar choose the "Watch videos and vote" option.
3) Scroll down the list of films until you find - "THE 80S: A Sick Puppy Film".
4) Select the film, and once it's loaded - enjoy!

Sadly, only Shooting People members can vote for my film. You can join by going to the website - http://www.shootingpeople.org/ - but it costs £30! (Although if you are a filmmaker, scriptwriter or actor, I think it's worth the dosh). If you are a member, you need to do the following:
1) Go to the Shooting People website - http://www.shootingpeople.org/
2) Login.
3) You should see a graphic advertising the Robbie Williams competition. Click on 'find out more'.
4) Then from the sidebar choose the 'Watch videos and vote' option.
5) Scroll down the list of films until you find - "THE 80S: A Sick Puppy Film".
6) Select the film, and once it's loaded - enjoy!
7) Then - please vote! You need to give the film a rating between 1 and 5 (5 being the best).

I hope you enjoy the film. Please vote if you are able...

Many Thanks,

Sick Puppy Clive

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